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Logical Fallacies with Michael Farris

Video Description:

My name is Liberty Stevens and I’m a 14 year old homeschooler. I watched the debate “Should Oklahoma Support a Constitutional Convention?” after studying The Fallacy Detective by Nathaniel Bluedorn & Hans Bluedorn, and noticed numerous logical fallacies used by Michael Farris, including several attacks on The John Birch Society (JBS). 
Mr. Farris knows better. He is the Chancellor of Patrick Henry College and Chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association. He was the founding president of each organization. 
I was shocked and appalled to see such bad behavior by a homeschool leader and it spurred me to make this video. I would not want to go to Patrick Henry College with an unprincipled leader like this. Special thanks to Mom and Dad for their love and support. 
To learn more about the dangers of a Constitutional Convention and how to stop it, go to 
In response to Mr. Farris’s attacks on JBS: 
Current JBS action projects include: STOP the Free Trade Agenda, STOP ObamaCare, STOP Agenda 21, STOP a Con-Con, STOP Illegal Immigration, Get US out! of the United Nations, Support Your Local Police, Support Morality, and Restore Constitutional Money. 
JBS teaches that The Constitution Is The Solution (, not the problem. Since the Constitution is not the problem, amending it is not the solution. 
Some significant JBS accomplishments:

Education Expert: Common Core Education is Social Engineering

With the national uproar over the Obama administration-backed "Common Core" nationalization of education reaching a fever pitch from Florida and Louisiana to New Hampshire and Wisconsin, education expert Dr. Duke Pesta is now speaking out in an exclusive video for The New American about the looming nationwide school standards for history, science, and sexuality. The goal of it all, according to Dr. Pesta, academic director at FreedomProject Education and an English professor at the University of Wisconsin, is social engineering while denying truth — an argument that numerous other prominent experts and educators across the country have also made.

Bible Becomes Runaway Bestseller in Secular Norway

Is one of Europe's most secular nations in the midst of a spiritual revival? It may be a stretch to predict just yet that Norway's five million citizens are turning back to God en masse. But the fact that a new Norwegian-language translation of the Bible has become a runaway bestseller in the country is causing many to wonder if there is a renewed interest in the Christian faith in the Scandinavian nation.

Chávez Dead, But Latin American Socialism Lives On

After helping to destroy the once relatively prosperous economy of Venezuela, socialist strongman Hugo Chávez (pictured) died of cancer on Tuesday at 58, with some of his allies and subordinates insisting that the tyrannical leader was actually murdered by some sort of secret U.S. "cancer" weapon. With the passing of Chávez, more than a few analysts are already heralding the death of socialism in Latin America. Despite the loss of one of its most outspoken and visible leaders, however, the statist forces quietly seizing control of the region will continue to march onward.

China's Churches Face Renewed Government Persecution

The Chinese government has increased its efforts to eradicate the country's growing underground church movement, a Chinese watchdog group said in a recent report. China Aid, which monitors instances of government persecution of the church in China, reported a 42-percent increase in government harassment of Christians and unauthorized places of worship from 2011 to 2012. In its study the Texas-based group, headed by former Chinese house church pastor Bob Fu, documented 132 cases of government persecution involving 4,919 persons in 2012, and noted a 125-percent jump in the number of people arrested and sentenced for involvement in unauthorized Christian worship over the previous year.

Putin’s KGB/FSB Converging with New IMF Banking FSB

The veterans of Russia's KGB/FSB were chuckling to themselves, no doubt, as Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) announced his pleasure at Russia’s assumption of the presidency of the Group of Twenty (G20)* nations for 2013. Putin’s "strategic agenda proposed by Russia for the G20 in 2013" is loaded with favorable references to the FSB. The FSB acronym in Putin's "strategic agenda" is not a reference to the dreaded Russian secret police (successor to the Soviet KGB and its earlier incarnations as the NKVD and the Cheka), however; it is a reference to the Financial Stability Board, a new institution created by the G20 leaders in 2009, ostensibly to deal with the economic crisis.

Obama Pushing Trans-Atlantic Union with EU
Even as the European Union continues to pursue ever-closer "integration" in the name of "global governance," Obama is now working to form a "Trans-Atlantic partnership" between the U.S. government and the EU under the guise of a so-called "free trade" agreement. Formally announced in the United States during the president’s State of the Union address, the highly controversial deal — a scheme that has been under discussion since before the current administration came to power — is expected to take at least 18 months to complete. It also has the backing of both Big Business and Big Labor.

Killing the Dollar: G20 & IMF Push for Global Fed, Global Currency

While headline stories about averting the dangers of an international "currency war" dominated news coverage of the recently concluded G20 meeting in Moscow, the real unreported story is that the global gathering of central bankers and finance ministers is pushing forward with their plan for "supersizing" the International Monetary Fund. The end goal is to transform the IMF into a global Federal Reserve, with the ability to flood the world with huge new volumes of loans and currency. It would also wield vast financial regulatory powers.

The IMF's unit of account, or "currency," known as a Special Drawing Right (SDR), is being readied for eventual adoption as the replacement for the U.S. dollar in international transactions, to lead the way toward eventual adoption of the SDR or some other designated unit as the global currency, much in the same way that the euro was foisted upon the people of Europe as a replacement of their national currencies.

The mainstream media seem intent on keeping the public fixated on the latest Kardashian frolics, sportsmania, and Democrat-Republican political mudwrestling, while coverage of the G7, G20, and IMF confabs that are determining the economic fate of the world receive short shrift. And the little reporting of these events that does leak out usually amounts to little more than regurgitation of the pre-scripted talking points of the conference principals. Over the past four years, The New American has published numerous articles detailing the radical plans currently underway for the total destruction of the dollar and the plans for supersizing the IMF into a global Fed.

Is Soaking the Rich the Right Answer?

So long as people believe that raising taxes on the rich is a noble idea, there is almost no way to discredit it. The only way one can try to attempt to convince people that such an idea is flawed is to reveal it for what it really is and to show that it is the very opposite of noble.

The notion that the rich should pay more taxes raises the obvious question: Why? We are told that it is because the federal government is running enormous budget deficits and needs more money. But are the rich responsible for those budget deficits? No, they are not! And yet, the rich are being scapegoated by the Obama regime and the fawning national liberal media in order hide the fact that the real culprits are the federal politicians, bureaucrats, and judges who, over the past hundred years, have done the very opposite of preserving, protecting, and defending the U.S. Constitution and the principles upon which this nation was founded.

Obama's Global Development Council Promotes Abortion, UN Redistribution

In an important pre-Christmas action that received scant media attention, President Obama announced appointments to a number of key administrative posts, including nine members of the President's Global Development Council, an organization he created by executive order one year ago, on February 9, 2012. The appointments will turn out to be very important as they pertain to the dispersal of billions of dollars in foreign aid, particularly when it comes to promoting programs and policies of the United Nations on abortion, population control, homosexual practices, condom distribution, Agenda 21, "sustainable development," "green energy," wealth redistribution, and other controversial issues.

Sheriffs and Legislators Are Acting to Nullify Obama Gun Controls

State legislators, county sheriffs, and state governors are saying, "Enough!" Unconstitutional overreach by politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., has set the stage for multiple showdowns with state and local government officials who vow to exercise their constitutional prerogatives to oppose usurpations of the federal government on issues ranging from the REAL ID Act and ObamaCare to infringements on the right to keep and bear arms.

Media Celebrate Tiny Gun Control March, Ignore 500,000 Pro Life

If Americans needed any further evidence of the blatant bias and disregard for the truth displayed by the increasingly discredited establishment press, the coverage — or lack thereof — of two recent demonstrations in Washington, D.C., provided a perfect illustration. One tiny protest was seeking more gun control and was promptly plastered all over the front pages. The other march, which was virtually ignored by the press despite record-breaking attendance, sought protection for the lives of unborn children.

In Mali, Forces Backed by UN, France, and Obama Slaughter Civilians

Summary executions and mass human rights abuses targeting innocent civilians in Mali are being perpetrated by soldiers loyal to the dubious Malian regime in a campaign supported by the United Nations, the new socialist French government, and the Obama administration. According to human rights groups and witnesses on the ground, the atrocities are increasing as the number of murdered victims continues to rise — eerily reminiscent of similar tragic interventions in Libya, Syria, and the Ivory Coast.

When Disappointment Turns to Discouragement

What patriot is not disappointed with the recent election results? The prospect of four more years of the same old, same old is enough to dampen the spirit of even the brightest-eyed optimist. Any constitutionalist has to wonder just how far outside the boundaries of the written law and moral truth we can wander before something finally snaps. Historians tell us no nation has ever slid this deep into collectivism and amorality and pulled out. Prophets of doom are claiming we are already past the point of no return.

But the gravest danger on the horizon is not coming from outside the circle of Americans fighting for less government. The gravest danger is a growing discouragement within our own ranks. Sometimes within one’s own self. Many, Christians especially, have just given up. Some believe the battle is lost: Obama and agnostics are successfully implementing laws to eliminate religious freedoms almost at will, and culturally, sex, smut, and immorality rarely ever rate public condemnation. When condemnation does happen, it is often directed at Christians, not at "wrong." Others believe that modern events match well with biblical prophecies that indicate we are at the "end times," the times immediately preceding the second coming of Christ. In either case they have adopted the credo, "Why bother?"

Well, I want to tell why we should bother and tell how to be effective.

Obama's Trillion-Dollar Coin Exposes Federal Reserve Scam

Amid an ongoing debate over raising the debt ceiling and Congress' seeming inability to rein in wild deficit spending, some proponents of even bigger government proposed the minting of a $1-trillion platinum coin to get around stubborn lawmakers seeking budget cuts. Seriously. Originally, the Obama administration refused to rule it out when asked by reporters, leaving analysts to speculate about whether or not they would really do it.